foo-bar | |
& | |
' | |
<br /> | |
<br> | |
≅ congruent / approximately equal | |
↵ carriage-return arrow | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
⇓ down double arrow | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down |
&emdash; | |
∅ empty set / diameter | |
  | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Space |
&endash; | |
  | |
> | |
⇔ horizontal double arrow | |
⇐ left double arrow | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left |
< | |
| |
| |
" | |
⇒ right double arrow; | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right |
­ soft hyphen | |
⇑ up double arrow | Ctrl+Alt+;, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up |
É acute | |
ú acute | |
ý acute | |
C acute | |
c acute | |
N acute | |
n acute | |
S acute | |
s acute | |
Z acute | |
z acute | |
Í acute | |
L acute | |
l acute | |
R acute | |
r acute | |
Ó acute | |
Ú acute | |
Ý acute | |
á acute | |
é acute | |
í acute | |
ó acute | |
Á acute | |
´ acute accent mark | |
æ ae ligature | |
Æ AE ligature | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E |
˜ almost equals / asymptotic (math) | |
l apostrophe caron | |
d apostrophe / caron | |
t apostrophe / caron | |
L apostrophe caron | |
) bottom-half integral | |
) bottom-half integral | |
a breve | |
G breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
g breve | |
E breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
e breve | |
I breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
i breve | |
O breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
U breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
u breve | |
o breve | |
A breve | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A, Ctrl+Shift+^ |
¦ broken bar | |
• bullet | |
? care-of | |
? care-of | |
e caron | |
e caron | |
š caron | |
š caron | |
Š caron | |
Š caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S, Alt+Shift+^ |
C caron | |
C caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, Alt+Shift+^ |
c caron | |
c caron | |
N caron | |
N caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N, Alt+Shift+^ |
n caron | |
R caron | |
R caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R, Alt+Shift+^ |
r caron | |
r caron | |
Ž caron | |
Ž caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z, Alt+Shift+^ |
ž caron | |
ž caron | |
A caron | |
A caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A, Alt+Shift+^ |
a caron | |
a caron | |
I caron | |
I caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I, Alt+Shift+^ |
i caron | |
i caron | |
O caron | |
O caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O, Alt+Shift+^ |
o caron | |
o caron | |
U caron | |
U caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U, Alt+Shift+^ |
u caron | |
u caron | |
E caron | |
E caron | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E, Alt+Shift+^ |
ç cedilla | |
S cedilla | |
s cedilla | |
Ç cedilla | |
? (Celsius) modify letter small c {superscript c) | |
? (centigrade) latin small capital C | |
? (centigrade) latin small capital C | |
Ê circumflex | |
Y circumflex | |
y circumflex | |
Î circumflex | |
Ô circumflex | |
Û circumflex | |
â circumflex | |
ê circumflex | |
î circumflex | |
ô circumflex | |
û circumflex | |
 circumflex | |
? club | |
© copyright | |
† dagger | |
‡ dbl dagger | |
? dbl exclamation | |
? dbl exclamation | |
? dbl high-reversed-9 quotation mark | |
? dbl high-reversed-9 quotation mark | |
« dbl left angle quotation | |
« dbl left angle quotation | |
“ dbl left quote | |
„ dbl low-9 quotation mark | |
„ dbl low-9 quotation mark | |
= dbl low line | |
= dbl low line | |
? dbl music note | |
? dbl oblique hyphen | |
? dbl oblique hyphen | |
» dbl right angle quotation | |
» dbl right angle quotation | |
” dbl right quote | |
? dbl vertical bar | |
? dbl vertical bar | |
° degrees | |
Ë diaeresis | |
ÿ diaeresis | |
Ÿ diaeresis | |
Ï diaeresis | |
Ö diaeresis | |
Ü diaeresis | |
ä diaeresis | |
ë diaeresis | |
ï diaeresis | |
ö diaeresis | |
ü diaeresis | |
Ä diaeresis | |
¨ diaeresis (dbl high-dots) | |
l diagonal stroke | |
L diagonal stroke | |
? diamond | |
? diamond | |
/ division-mark (math) | |
÷ division-sign (math) | |
i dotless small i | |
? dotted circle | |
? dotted circle | |
e dot above | |
I dot above | |
? dot above | |
? dot above | |
Z dot above | |
z dot above | |
E dot above | |
? double prime mark | |
? down arrow | |
? eight-point-star (Arabic start of Rub El Hizb) | |
… ellipsis | |
? empty bullet | |
? empty square bullet | |
— em dash | |
– en dash | |
e estimated symbol | |
e estimated symbol | |
ƒ (Fahrenheit)(Function) script f with hook | |
? female | |
? filled circle | |
? filled smiley face | |
? filled square bullet | |
? five-eighths | |
? five-eighths | |
? five-point-star | |
? four verical dots | |
/ fraction-mark (math) | |
? glottal stop | |
È grave | |
Ì grave | |
Ò grave | |
Ù grave | |
à grave | |
è grave | |
ì grave | |
ò grave | |
ù grave | |
À grave | |
= greater-than or equal-to (math) | |
= greater-than or equal-to (math) | |
a Greek alpha | Ctrl+Alt+A, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek ALPHA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
ß Greek beta | Ctrl+Alt+B, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek BETA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek chi | Ctrl+Alt+V, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek CHI | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
d Greek delta | Ctrl+Alt+D, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek DELTA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
e Greek epsilon | Ctrl+Alt+E, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek EPSILON | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek eta | Ctrl+Alt+G, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek ETA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek final sigma | Ctrl+Alt+R, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek gamma | Ctrl+Alt+C, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
G Greek GAMMA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek iota | Ctrl+Alt+I, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek IOTA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek kappa | Ctrl+Alt+J, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek KAPPA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek lamda | Ctrl+Alt+K, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek LAMDA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
F Greek large PHI | |
? Greek large PI | |
µ Greek mu | Ctrl+Alt+L, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek MU | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek nu | Ctrl+Alt+M, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek NU | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek omega | Ctrl+Alt+X, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
O Greek OMEGA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek omicron | Ctrl+Alt+O, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek OMICRON | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
f Greek phi | Ctrl+Alt+U, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
F Greek PHI | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
p Greek pi | Ctrl+Alt+P, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek PI | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek psi | Ctrl+Alt+W, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek PSI | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek rho | Ctrl+Alt+Q, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek RHO | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
s Greek sigma | Ctrl+Alt+R, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
S Greek Sigma | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
f Greek small phi | |
p Greek small pi | |
? Greek TAU | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
t Greek tau | Ctrl+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek theta | Ctrl+Alt+H, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
T Greek THETA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek upsilon | Ctrl+Alt+T, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek UPSILON | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek xi | Ctrl+Alt+N, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek XI | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? Greek zeta | Ctrl+Alt+F, Ctrl+Alt+Return |
? Greek ZETA | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Return |
? heart | |
? high-reversed-9 quotation mark | |
= identical/congruent to (math) | |
? increment | |
8 infinity | |
8 infinity | |
? integral | |
? integral | |
n intersection (math) | |
n intersection (math) | |
¡ inverse exclamation | |
¿ inverted question-mark | |
? left-right arrow | |
‹ left angle quotation | |
? left arrow | |
‘ left quote | |
l (length) script l | |
= less-than or equal-to (math) | |
= less-than or equal-to (math) | |
‚ low-9 quotation mark | |
? lozenge | |
A macron | |
u macron | |
? macron | |
? macron | |
a macron | |
E macron | |
e macron | |
I macron | |
i macron | |
O macron | |
o macron | |
U macron | |
¯ macron | |
? male | |
µ micro | |
· middle dot | |
- minus sign (math) | |
¢ monetary cent | |
¤ monetary currency symbol | |
€ monetary Euro | |
£ monetary Pound | |
¥ monetary Yen | |
¥ monetary Yen | |
× multiply (math) | |
? musical sharpe | |
? musical sharpe | |
? music note | |
? n-Ary product (math) | |
? n-Ary product (math) | |
? n-Ary summation (math) | |
? n-Ary summation (math) | |
? not-equal (math) | |
¬ "not" sign | |
? number | |
Œ OE ligature | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E |
œ oe ligature | |
a ogonek / cedille | |
E ogonek / cedille | |
e ogonek / cedille | |
A ogonek / cedille | |
? Ohms | |
? one-eighth | |
? one-eighth | |
½ one-half | |
½ one-half | |
¼ one-quarter | |
¼ one-quarter | |
? one-third | |
? one-third | |
? open circle | |
? open down arrow | |
? open left arrow | |
? open right arrow | |
^ open up arrow | |
? ornate left parenthesis | |
? ornate left parenthesis | |
? ornate right parenthesis | |
? ornate right parenthesis | |
¶ (paragraph) pilcrow sign | |
? partial differential | |
? partial differential | |
‰ per-mil | |
± plus or minus (math) | |
' prime mark | |
? published | |
? published | |
® registered | |
? reversed | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E, Alt+Insert |
? reversed | |
? reversed glottal stop | |
¬ reversed "not" sign | |
› right angle quotation | |
? right arrow | |
’ right quote | |
å ring above | |
U ring above | |
u ring above | |
? ring above | |
Å ring above | |
§ section | |
? seven-eighths | |
? seven-eighths | |
? smiley face | |
? solid down arrow | |
? solid left arrow | |
? solid right arrow | |
? solid up arrow | |
? spade | |
? spade | |
v square-root (math) | |
v square-root (math) | |
? stroke | |
z stroke | |
H stroke | |
h stroke | |
ø stroke | |
Ø stroke (latin) | |
Ø stroke (latin) | |
¤ sun/star | |
n supercript small n | |
n supercript small n | |
¹ superscript 1 | |
² superscript 2 | |
³ superscript 3 | |
ß sz ligature (sharp s) | |
? three-eighths | |
? three-eighths | |
¾ three-quarters | |
Ñ tilde | |
Õ tilde | |
ã tilde | |
ñ tilde | |
õ tilde | |
I tilde | |
i tilde | |
U tilde | |
u tilde | |
à tilde | |
( top-half integral | |
( top-half integral | |
™ trademark | |
? triple prime mark | |
? triple prime mark | |
? turned | |
? turned | |
? two-thirds | |
? up-down arrow | |
? up-down arrow w/baseline | |
? up arrow | |